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- Custom TCG Inscryption -

- Wendigo -

- Beast -

- Rare -

- 3 Blood -
- 3 Power -
- 2 Health -

- A ravenous beast with insatiable hunger. -

- Bloodsucker -
When this card damages the health of an opposing card, this card restores 1 health, to a maximum of 5 health.
- Corpse Eater -
When a card on your side of the field perishes by battle, this card is played in its place.

- Tips And Tricks -
Ideally, you will never pay the actual cost of any card with Corpse Eater. Instead, let one of your creatures die - preferably to something with weaker stats than the Wendigo - and let it come out that way. If you draw this card, you may want to put weaker cards in riskier positions just to be able to get it out for cheap.

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